Criteria for Renting the Smalltown Space
Smalltown’s existence and main goal is to promote belonging, creativity, and equity within the Eden Area, and we hold these as priorities when deciding on use of the Space. In other words, we not only curate the art within the Space, but desire to curate the narrative expressed from the Space. Because of this, we have laid out some criteria around Space use and rentals.
When filling out the rental form, please keep these things in mind:
Though The Space at times operates as a music venue, we do not rent it out for concerts. If you’re interested in performing in the Space, please fill out our Artist/Musician Form.
If the use of the sound system is required, an additional fee is requested to pay for a sound technician. Prices range from $35-$200 depending on the need.
Maximum capacity is 55 persons.
We do not currently rent The Space out to permanent occupants, and cannot store items before or after events. Recurring events are discussed on a case by case basis, only after having rented the Space in the past.
Because we desire to foster an environment of equity and belonging, we do not rent to organizations that discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, national origin, citizenship status, age, disability, sexual orientation or veteran status.
Faith-based and spiritual organizations are welcome to apply when the event serves all members of the community regardless of religious belief. However, because of our commitment to equity and belonging, we do not rent to organizations/events that require membership in certain religions or advance a particular religious faith or spirituality. We do give platforms for religious discussions, but in the context of education (learning from each other), not for the purpose of evangelizing or proselytizing.
Ideal Space rentals:
Public benefit (non-profit) organization or a for-profit business looking for private meeting space.
Private rehearsals
Photography sessions
Pop-Up Events
Small private parties
We provide 12 “Free Use” events a year geared towards public-benefit (non-profit) organizations and innovative individuals doing work that promotes belonging, creativity, and equity. If you feel you may qualify, please fill out the form as normal, leaving the word “contribution” under “Questions/Comments” section.